
At the Creamtorium, we say ashes to ashes, dust to ice cream. Nobody goes to waste. That’s right - we burn your rotting flesh to ashes and then mix them in a patented creamy process that gives them new life in the form of ice cream. Because many people may have hated you while alive, but no one hates ice cream. Instead of a sparsely attended wake from grubby distant relatives hoping to inherit your money, you’ll have kids lined up down the block to honor your memory.

For this installation, I created an ice cream stand in which passerbys could be creamated. Rolled inside on a stretcher, they would experience a horrific charred skeleton with puppet hands attacking their face. Using activated charcoal, I served black ice cream to their mourning friends which delighted both the young and the almost-dead.


WTF Award

Competitive Winter Picnicking: a very cold picnicking competition where teams compete over food, themes, and outrageous behavior